
Making Life Disciples

Do you have a heart for those facing unplanned pregnancy? Do you have a burden for those who have experienced an abortion? Have you wondered what you should say or how you can help? Making Life Disciples equips members of Christ's church to become safe, educated, and confident encouragers to men and women navigating an unplanned pregnancy, those considering abortion and those who have experienced the pain and regret of a past abortion. Research shows that a significant number of churched people are post abortive, or are intimately connected with someone who is. Throughout seven sessions of interactive discussion, exercises, video and topical speakers, interested men and women will learn practical tools and next steps in building a church culture of truth and grace, and becoming people who are actively pro-abundant life. MAKING LIFE DISCIPLES speaks to many areas of struggle, as it is largely about managing vulnerability well. It addresses the basics of discipleship, a model for sharing the gospel, understanding the culture of brokenness and intentional communication and connection over difficult but common issues of our day. Class starts: September 21st - November 9th Cost: $15


Rachel Beardsley






3rd Floor Discipleship Center